Saturday, September 6, 2008

Toy Collection of the Week - Alex of

This week's featured collector is Alex of
His site is updated almost everyday with many high-quality pictures from his collection. He seems to favor military-themed toys, but also collects other popular toy lines such as Star Wars. He is known for his extremely detailed toy reviews peppered with a tremendous amount of pictures as he brings you the latest additions to his overflowing collection. Visit his blog to read about his newest acquisitions as well as extensive photographs of his overall collection displayed on the right-side of his blog. I read his site everyday, and as a toy collector who is short on space to display my toys, I am a bit jealous of his shelf space. Toys are meant to be seen and played with, and Alex certainly lives up to that.

Toy Collection of the Week - Alex of


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Thanks for the plug :) much appreciated!!

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