Friday, August 15, 2008

Membership has its Privileges

The Transformers Collectors' Club is just about ready to ship their eagerly awaited Seacon exclusive collector set (pictured above, click the image to see a close-up). It's available for purchase only to members. Membership starts at $40 a year, but you get some benefits with that price: the monthly Master Collector magazine, the bi-monthly Transformer magazine insert, a free classified ad in the magazine every month, and a free exclusive Transformer every year. You also get the opportunity to purchase some cool Transformer shwag, like the Seacon set. Though it will set you back about $119, the Seacon collection includes remakes of all six of the classic Seacons and all the accessories needed to form Piranacon. [Update: The price is currently the "estimated price" and may change depending on how many people order. Also, non-members can order it for $40 more but you might as well join the club for the same $40 and get all the other stuff too.]
For G.I. Joe fans, Master Collector also has a G.I. Joe Collectors' Club with similar benefits. And they just announced their upcoming free action figure. Join or Renew your G.I. Joe Club membership by March 16th, 2009 and get Undertow, pictured below, absolutely free.