Saturday, October 4, 2008

New G.I. Joe DVD Battle Packs on sale at HasbroToyShop (with 20% off discount code)

Set numbers 3 & 4 of the 5-part G.I. Joe MASS Device DVD Battle Packs have just been put up for sale at for $19.99 each. This usually indicates they should be appearing at retail very soon. But we wanted to make you aware of a special discount code that Hasbro is offering this fall. If you use coupon code fall20 at checkout, you will get 20% off your entire order from HasbroToyShop! That's a savings of $4 each that will easily make up for the shipping charges. They also have the new G.I. Joe vehicles (the Cobra Firebat and the SHARC) for sale too, as well as some of the new wave 10 action figures. Go wild!

G.I. JOE DVD Battles - Arise, Serpentor, Arise!
G.I. JOE DVD Battles - Pyramid of Darkness